240v Fuel Transfer Pumps


240 Volt fuel transfer pumps are the workhorses of the pumping family. Our range of pumps incorporate the full strength power and endurance that comes with 240 volts of energy. This kit is able to pump large volumes of diesel at fast rates, because let's be honest, time and speed filling up is time when your machinery is not working to it's capacity and not earning you the return you want.

All pumps are compact and easy to handle, making them great add-ons for large storage tank units or other plant units where 240v mains power is available. The pumps are easily adaptable for a multiple configurations that include meters, hose and nozzle configurations, all dependent on your required applications.

Precision enginerring from PUISI ensures high flow rates and operating cycles of up to 30 minutes. They are all self-priming and equipped with a ByPass valve to avoid over-pressurisation.

Overall, our 240 volt transfer pumps offer long service life and excellent value for money.